Tour De Malang

View on the top of Land Rover

“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it.” – Cesare Pavese

Hellooo, officially lulus kuliah tanggal 15 Januari yang lalu. Saya dan teman merencanakan sebuah liburan bareng sebelum akhirnya pada misah, entah itu mulai kerja atau mudik ke kampung halamannya masing-masing. Detik-detik terakhir menjalani Tugas Akhir, udah ngebayangin liburan. Itu adalah salah satu cara baik buat menyemangati diri. Awalnya kami ingin pergi berlibur ke Bali. tapi karena satu dan lain hal batal. Lalu, saya menyarankan pergi ke Malang (racun banget si gue). Saat itu habis sidang Desember 2012 saya lagi asik-asiknya liburan di Solo, eh disuruh cepet ke Bandung buat ngurusin trip ini. Temen-temen pengen Bromo terus ke Jawa Timur Park dan BNS. Lalu saya dan teman-teman mulai googling, and look through tripadvisor on my iPhone app untuk menemukan tempat menginap yang murah. And we found KAMPONG TOURIST website. I was falling in love for the first time. Dibayangan saya, GILAA keren gini tempatnya! Asrama! Pokoknya ini liburan pasti keren! haha. We should make it happen!!! Saya kalau udah jatuh cinta bakalan diperjuangin habis-habisnya. Wkwkwk. Akhirnya saya kontaklah itu di sore hari nan cerah tanggl 9 Januari. Berbincang-bincang dengan seorang pria diujung telpon sana yang baru saya tau namanya Wahyu setelah sms untuk memberitahu detail tour lewat email.

Habis dapet info, mulai deh bikin itetenary yang bener plus biaya-biaya-nya. Dapet tuh angkanya. Trus mulai diumumin ke anak-anak yang mau ikut via fb. Saya suka ga enak buat sms atau email si Mas Wahyu bolak-balik buat nanyain ini-itu. Pasti ntar dikira ga jadi. Haha. Finally jadi juga, seminggu sebelum keberangkatan baru booked tu. Nyohoho, eh si Mas Wahyu ngirim invoice pulak! Untung anak-anak lain udah diumumin harganya, plus ngasih DP dulu ke saya. Jadi pas invoicenya dikirim, tinggal transfer deeehhhh…

This is my reviews :

We arrived in Malang in the morning and had no problems at check-in. It’s easy to found Helios Hotel from train station and so close to get there. We stayed for 3 nights and 4 days (28-31 January) booked triple bed and a gazebo. And it’s very cheap. Triple bed just RP 120.000 and gazebo Rp 125.000. It’s much cheaper than our train ticket from Bandung-Malang. LOL. Both of gazebo or dorm are very comfortable. I slept with ‘kelambu’ haha. Kampong Tourist have a great atmosphere to stay for a long day, with mountain view from your gazebo or bar.  I felt I was spending my time at home. Very very homey. First time we got there, there’s people greet us and there was the owner when we check in. I’m so excited to slept in the dormitory with others travellers (BULE BULE BULE!) all of them are foreign from Norwegia and Russia ( I have a little chit-chat with them)  at dorm. We also booked Batu Tour (apple picking, Coban Rondo Waterfall, Jatim Park 2, and BNS), and Bromo Tour from Helios Transport, we’re very satisfied with what we got for tour. The staffs are very friendly, helpful, informative about anything we like to know and a lots of warm and funny daily convo which made me feel so comfortable with them. Ahhh, I’m looking forward to coming back and take the other tours that they offering. And it’s a pleasure for me to know their staffs personally, we still keep in contact from social media. I miss them. See you again someday.

Overall, it’s very recommended for a longer stay, because it’s so relax and comfy… and is it really worth it!

Here’s the link if you are looking forward for Kampong Tourist and check the tour package from Helios Transport <– you can click over that name…

Kampong Tourist
Kampong Tourist

Beginilah rupa dan bentuk Kampong Tourist yang sempat terekam oleh kamera saya. Kampong Tourist location in the rooftop of Helios Hotel. There are bar and also free WiFi. Dormitory with single, double, and triple bed. Gazebo, you can also enjoy sunset and sunrise with mountain view from top. Yiha!

Bromo and Landy
Bromo and Landy

Bromo tour! We ride Land Rover Classic! Awesome experience.

Lunch at Desa Ngadas
Lunch at Desa Ngadas
Bareng Bule Norwegia di Kampong Tourist
Bareng Bule Norwegia di Kampong Tourist

Thank you to Mas Wahyu, Mas Henry, Mas Fyan alias Kang Didit, Mas Budi Tato, Mas Herry, dan mas-mas dan mba-mba di Kampong Tourist yang lucu-lucu dan ramah-ramah. Thank you, thank you, thank you sooo muchhh… :*

Petualangan Si Rina usai sudah. (ki-ka : si Rina, Susi, Niken, Iren, Myra)
Petualangan Si Rina usai sudah. (ki-ka : si Rina, Susi, Niken, Iren, Myra)

Hore! Bawaan saya tetep yang paling dikit. Ah, Holiday was over. Tomorrow I’ll getting busy.

Peace and love,

Febrina Widihapsari

Bandung. 3 Februari

10:57 am gloomy sunday morning

8 Comments Add yours

  1. huaaaaaa…………..pgen k malang lg
    nyaman psan di sana…….

  2. Silkitte says:

    iah pengen ke Malang lg >,,< hoaaa~ Nyaman banget gila disana~

  3. susi says:

    gyaaaa, pengen ke sini lagiii… benar2 recomended bgt kampong tourist n turnya.. salah satu kota ternyaman yg pernah saya singgahi.. nyohohoho…

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